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04 September 2007

Never a bloodthirsty deity around...

When you really need one.
-- KABUL, Afghanistan -- Afghan police killed a Taliban militant alleged to be behind the July kidnappings of 23 South Korean church workers, authorities said Tuesday. Up to 27 other insurgents were also slain.
Once again the local clergy are up to their Korans in kidnapping and murder.
Mullah Mateen was among 16 militants killed in fighting late Monday and early Tuesday in Ghazni province, where the South Koreans were kidnapped, said Ghazni Deputy Gov. Kazim Allayar.

Allayar said Mateen played a key role in the kidnapping, including negotiating with the government in the early days of the kidnappings, which underscored the security problems facing Afghanistan at a time of surging Taliban violence.
Think of this as training your dog to stay off the couch... with bullets instead of a rolled up newspaper.

Sooner or later, these dopes will catch on.

Or we'll keep swatting them like bugs.


RELATED: Allah caught napping again
COPENHAGEN, Sept 4 (Reuters) - Danish police arrested eight young Muslims in pre-dawn raids on Tuesday on suspicion of plotting a bomb attack and having links with al Qaeda.

The Muslims arrested ranged from 19 to 29 years old. They came from Afghan, Pakistani, Somali and Turkish backgrounds and six were Danish citizens, Scharf said.

"Our investigation has shown that some of the suspects had acquired materials to make explosives," he said.

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