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22 September 2007

Music to my ears

It's an interesting contrast... while Dalton McGuinty concentrates on measures like vaccinating pre-adolescent girls against sexually transmitted diseases... John Tory says he wants to go after actual criminals...
Tory said yesterday that he would go province-wide with an idea proposed by Kingston Police Chief W.J. Closs to have the Ontario government offer $50,000 in cash for information leading to the arrest of murderers and other dangerous criminals.

Unlike Crime Stoppers, this program would require that tipsters give their names and testify in court if necessary.

Crime Stoppers programs typically offer rewards in the range of $50 to $2,000, but the information can be provided anonymously.
Just as importantly, Tory proposes stripping away the layer of suckass political correctness that conceals the actual state of affairs of the prosecution of justice in Ontario.
The Conservatives would, if elected to govern, introduce a Truth and Transparency in the Justice System Act, to require the justice system to release statistics on plea bargains, crimes by suspects on bail and court wait times.

Tory said too many murders have been committed by people who were out on bail for serious charges at the time, and any government run by him would demand that Crowns fight bail for all gun crimes.

"This is catch and release justice; catch and release works when you're fishing," he said. "It doesn't work when you're dealing with violent offenders."
I think this one is a winner.

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