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24 September 2007

Lead, follow...

Or get out of the freakin' way...
Tensions are increasing near Hollow Water First Nation after a local man used a logging machine to circumvent a roadblock, damaging the barrier in the process.

“I wanted to go for a nice quiet beer at the bar,” said Ivon Saber, who broke through the barricade Friday night with his skidder, a vehicle used to haul logs out of the bush.
You've gotta love this guy's style.

Of course, now he'll have to sleep with his skidder to stop the aboriginal thugs from setting it on fire.
The actual road was blocked by logs, a front-end loader, some vehicles and all-terrain vehicles, he said. I supposed if I was crazy I could have run over their cars and quads,” he said, declining to say how he later returned home.
If only the police had as much backbone.


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Tensions and hostilities are rising in the area, says Ivon Saber, owner and resident of the Ayers Cove development, also inside the blockaded area.

"They let some people out last night, but they would only allow you to get out for 15 minutes every two hours," he said.

"As far as I'm concerned, that's being held hostage. The main road to Manigotagan is blocked, and they're not allowing anybody out that way."
One small note here...
The subdivisions are part of the province's cottage lot draw and are on Crown land.

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