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29 September 2007

Larger than life...

Larger than death...
"The American people must know we too lost a close friend and brother this day," said Iraqi Army Col. Ali Jafar, Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Iraqi Brigade, who previously spoke at Manion's memorial service.
"May his family know we too lost family, and we share their loss, our loss."
(via SDA)


RELATED: A proud Canadian tradition

At RMC they're kicking ass and taking names
These 265 first-year cadets have spent September generally being miserable, when not stealing each others squadron colours or decorating Brucie, the parade square statue.

They have marched nonstop, worked out thrice daily, been wakened by loudspeakers before dawn. They've had to holler Billy Joel's Goodnight Saigon before bed.

It's called FYOP, first year orientation program.

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