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26 September 2007

Hey Dalton... no biggie

He probably wasn't voting Fiberal anyway.
-- OTTAWA -- On a day when the Liberals wanted to tout their plans to hire more nurses and reduce surgical wait times, Dalton McGuinty got a pointed rebuff today from a terminally ill cancer patient who upbraided the premier for refusing to fund certain new cancer drugs.

During a Liberal campaign visit to an Ottawa hospital, patient Mike Brady refused to shake McGuinty's outstretched hand, telling him he has cancer and "you're not helping any."

"That's not true," McGuinty replied, without inquiring further, before continuing his tour.
The least McGuinty could have done here was hear this guy out... but he chose to turn and run away.

"Thank you very much... oh wise and compassionate Premier."


UPDATE: Exchange was caught on tape
The hospital encounter was one of McGuinty's few dealings this week with ordinary citizens and prompted reporters to ask why he doesn't meet the public more often.

McGuinty has attended stage-managed events, interviews and press conferences for most of the week.

LAST WORD: Stunts R'Us
Dalton McGuinty went to great lengths yesterday to make a point.

His campaign crew flew to London, staying overnight for an early morning news conference at which he re-announced plans to hire 9,000 more nurses if re-elected.

Kudos for creativity, but the trip didn't do much for the environment. And he didn't speak to a single Londoner, other than local candidates.

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