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25 September 2007

Harm reduction my ass

In the wake of the "let's give junkies a safe, clean place to inject poison into their veins" controversy... I've been trying to imagine the next silly-ass wave of nanny-state, government sanctioned assininity...
Ms. Davis said the co-operative brothel would keep sex workers safe and give the workers access to drug treatment and other support. She said if it opens, the cooperative brothel would likely be situated in the industrial area of the Downtown Eastside.
Of course... whorehouses.

What parent wouldn't be pleased to have their child performing serial sex acts on a daily dozen misfit strangers, so they can earn money to feed their ravening heroin addiction?

It's hard to imagine what the loony left could possibly have planned for an encore to that.

How about a subsidised shooting-range for gangbangers, to reduce the number of people injured or killed by stray bullets? Or maybe we could send teenage racers to skid-school to minimise the number of idiots who kill themselves while running away from the police?

Is there an end to this insanity?

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