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11 September 2007

Fool me once, shame on you...

Fool me twice... SHAME ON ME.
-- OTTAWA (CP) -- Premier Dalton McGuinty is once again telling Ontario voters he won't raise taxes - on the fourth anniversary of his broken 2003 tax promise.

After visiting students at an Ottawa elementary school, McGuinty said he would not repeat his high-profile event from the last campaign when he put in writing his vow not to raise taxes.

RELATED: And in this corner...
-- OAKVILLE -- Progressive Conservative leader John Tory continued to assail Premier Dalton McGuinty’s credibility during a lunchtime speech for business audience.

Mr. Tory began his day at joint press conference with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation commemorating the fourth anniversary of Mr. McGuinty’s promise not to raise taxes.

The Conservative leader accused Mr. McGuinty of breaking his commitment by introducing the Ontario health premium, which costs residents as much as $900 per year.

Mr. Tory continued his line-of-attack over lunch, telling a crowd at surburban motel Mr. McGuinty "did more than break a promise."

"He broke faith with the people of Ontario."

LAST WORD: C'mon, at least it's not a lie...

This time he's simply evading the question.
"If you, your children, and your own wife have benefited from funding of your faith based Catholic school, why should that right be denied to parents and children of faith-based schools?"
Right, Dalton?

Two choices here, babycakes... fund one public system... or fund every system period.

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