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10 September 2007

Do you think Mark Steyn...

Is working on the sequel to America Alone?
-- BERLIN -- Sixty years after World War II, Russians are dying younger in peacetime than their grandparents did under Stalin. They are having fewer children, and many are falling mortally ill from alcohol-related diseases.
This is an incredibly significant change, demographically and geopolitically. It forever alters the balance of power in the world and it will occur during our lifetime.
"A terrible demographic crisis is taking place," said Nikolay Petrov, a specialist on Russian society at the Carnegie Center in Moscow. "Over the next 20 years, Russia will need 20 million immigrants to compensate for the labor shortage.

This is the first time in which the population and labor force are declining together. It will have an enormous impact on Russia's economic and strategic ambitions."
Who's that sitting right next door to the Russians?

This could get interesting.


World shaking, international demographic implications be damned... trust mischevious, elfin Darcey to find the sexual subtext.

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