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06 September 2007

Dion ferocious in defence...

Of key Liberal constituency... the dead.
-- TORONTO (CP) -- Dion is taking exception to comments made by Mulroney in an interview Wednesday. Mulroney said that Trudeau's antiwar activism as a university student and his refusal to serve in the Second World War rendered him unfit to provide moral leadership.

Dion says if Mulroney, a former Conservative prime minister, wanted to fight with Trudeau, a former Liberal P-M, when he was alive that would be one thing.

But he says with Trudeau longer being alive, Mulroney should "respect the man," what he did for the country, and for the world.
Uh, Stephane... does that mean Stalin and Pol Pot are off-limits too?


RELATED: How about a little light reading?
Young Trudeau: Son of Quebec, Father of Canada

In the years before the end of the Second World War, the rumours were shouting, the father of our constitution was a proto-fascist, an anti-Semitic separatist busily plotting ways to take Quebec out of Canada and out of the anti-Fascist alliance fighting Nazi Germany.

Gibson was clearly bothered by these disclosures, and as the book’s editor, he was more or less confirming that the rumours were true.

LAST WORD: Summing it all up
At the same time his beloved Trudeau was admiring Hitler & wallowing in anti-semitism, 16 & 17 year old boys, not men, BOYS were lying about their age to get into the Army so they could go & do their bit to save the world from fascism, & many of whom went on to die on the battlefields of Europe to liberate an oppressed continent.

That Nazi loving bastard had absolutely NO excuse & no justification for his actions.
Sorry Steffi... you were saying?

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