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15 September 2007

Comrade Miller gets an earful...

Some days you eat the bear... some days, the bear eats you...
A website set up by Mayor David Miller to garner support for his proposed tax increases has instead become a lightning rod for Torontonians wishing to voice their outrage and disgust.

Miller unveiled on Thursday and urged the public to visit the site and to leave a comment encouraging their city representative to approve new land transfer and vehicle registration levies, a proposal councillors put on the backburner in July.

But the site has instead been flooded by citizens expressing their opposition to the mayor's plan, a plan he figures will take care of a good chunk of the $575-million budget shortfall the city is predicting for next year.
Who could have seen that coming, huh?

Apparently not Commie Dave.


UPDATE: Will of the people, my ass
The Mayor and his allies on council have been working overtime for the past two days, lobbying a restive council to gather enough votes to reopen debate on the tax measures, which council voted earlier this summer to defer until October.

But despite a barrage of phone calls, arm-twisting and even personal visits from Mr. Miller, so far the Mayor does not appear to have enough votes to bring the issue back to the council chamber.

Mr. Miller needs the support of two-thirds of councillors -- 30 of the 45 members -- to reopen the vote on a land-transfer tax and vehicle registration fee, which were deferred in July by a one-vote margin.
Just keep diggin' Dave, I'm sure there's a pony in there somewhere.

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