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17 September 2007

Blood, teeth and hair...

All over the place...
The phone at Jason's keeps ringing. Could someone please blackberry him for me and check that he's ok?

UPDATE: It's okay, everybody can relax...

Jason is back on his feet and spinning furiously like the Tasmanian Devil...
"No honest Liberal is happy with tonight's results."

"At the same time, no journalist who claims that this is a "blow to Dion's leadership" knows what he or she is talking about."
Okay, you get the lithium... I'll go fill the bathtub with icecubes.


Outremont has fallen out of Liberal hands only once previously since 1935.

The Liberals' current seat-count in Quebec - 12 - is the lowest since Confederation.

LAST WORD: Steffi agrees with Jason Cherniak

Outremont was a huge defeat... for Stephen Harper.
-- CROSBY, Ont. -- Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion says his party lost the by-election in Outremont to the New Democrats on Monday because voters were sending a message to the Conservative government to pull out of Afghanistan.
Hey buddy... whatever gets you through the night.

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