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16 September 2007

Be very afraid

You don't need to cruise the scary streets of Toronto's Jane-Finch ghetto, to know that we're on a slippery slope...
"What the 2006 census showed was not that the family was changing: It showed that the family was dying.

It showed a society in deep dysfunction. It delineated, statistically, a very real danger to the future of the nation-state itself."
Nobody had weapons when I was a kid. And whether or not you got along with your father... on some level you knew, at the end of the day... you were accountable to "the man." And there was none of this "time out" nonsense... there was instead, if you screwed up badly enough... "knocked out" and from what I remember it was pretty damned effective.

Apparently though... fathers aren't necessary anymore.

You need additional confirmation that Canadian society is hip deep in societal quicksand, never mind listening to the media. The next time you see one... ask a cop.

It ain't a pretty picture.


RELATED: A special welcome to Canadian Cynic readers

I hope all you "progressives" appreciated CC's use of the phrase, "booga, booga." It's a little weak, but even CC has to be careful about the "N" word.

Of course, he's a little less scrupulous about how he refers to women.

Keep em comin' CC... I appreciate the traffic.