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26 August 2007

A Wuss in Chief's clothing

When even Uber-Pinko David Miller was forced to back down on the decal issue, I assumed this hot potato was cooked and served...
Toronto city council endorsed outfitting its emergency vehicles with supportive stickers in June, but Chief Bill Blair has decided they won't go on police cars.
Apparently Chief Bill Blair, despite having a "Support the Troops" decal on his personal vehicle, won't allow the same for police cruisers.

Apart from the obvious hypocrisy here, this decision ignores the will of city council, the people of Toronto and the police officers themselves.

Let the Chief know how you feel.

Email Police Chief Bill Blair

Or contact him at...

Toronto Police Service
40 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2J3
Telephone 416 808-2222

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