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25 August 2007

Toronto troublemakers and agitators...

Are talking out their asses... yet again.
The committee is comprised of many members of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, which also hosts the Free Shawn Brant web page.

"Shawn really fits the profile of a political prisoner," he said, adding that Torontonians he has talked with seem to support Brant's release.
Nobody I've talked to considers Brant a political prisoner. They use words like thug and terrorist. The phrase "tarred and feathered" has come up on more than one occasion.

And while that may be how they see things down at OCAP HQ... the locals beg to differ.
Residents of Deseronto, where Brant's group has occupied a quarry since March 22, feel differently, said Mayor Norm Clark.

Many residents of the frustrated town, 60 per cent of which is encompassed in the Culbertson Tract land claim currently under negotiation, had a renewed faith in the justice system when Brant was denied bail, he said.

"I would even go so far as to say that if Mr. Brant was let out, a lot of people would lose faith in the system as we know it," he said.
So OCAP may just wanna steer clear of Deseronto for a while.

Their big city "agitprop" isn't gonna sell down here.

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