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11 August 2007

Toronto... as violent as it gets

"Spare change, got any spare change... c'mon now, don't make me kill you".
-- Toronto -- Police said 32-year-old Ross Hammond, who was stabbed Thursday after an argument escalated into violence, succumbed to his wounds early Saturday morning.

Four panhandlers, all in their early 20s, currently face charges of aggravated assault and weapons offences, but Giroux said he expected the charges to be upgraded in light of Hammond's death.
Surprise... more murder at Loony Left Central.

Maybe they heard David Miller was gonna cut out extra dessert at the local homeless shelter.


RELATED: As far as Mayor Miller's concerned...

This one doesn't really count.
Panhandlers aggressively approaching Toronto citizens has been a sensitive and controversial issue.

On June 1, the city launched a pilot project to probe aggressive panhandling.

Hammond's slaying fell within the project's timeline – which runs until Sept. 30 – but outside its boundaries. The test area runs east from Spadina Ave. to Jarvis St., and from Yorkville Ave. to Queen's Quay.

FROM THE COMMENTS: Hey, Mr Attorney-General

Joanne wants to know...
What happened to, "No Gun, No Funeral"?

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