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26 August 2007

Top predator, my ass

You're being outwitted by a troop of monkeys... I'd say it's time to move on anyway.
-- Nachu, Kenya -- "For God's sake, the government should take pity on us and move these monkeys away because we do not want to abandon our farms," he said.

"I beg you, please come and take these animals away from here so that we can farm in peace."
Seems there's never a Liberal around when you need one.


SOMEWHAT RELATED: Mrs Neo is much more sympathetic

As someone who assumed primary responsibility for transforming a monkey-like creature into a fine young man, my wife feels for these beleagured villagers.
"You have absolutely no idea how relentless a small, determined primate can be", she points out. "You assume discipline is like setting a VCR... you don't realise how much effort and utter repetition is involved."
It's true... I remember when he learned how to open the fridge.