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05 August 2007

There are more people who believe...

In UFO's... than say the Farmer Bob Rifle Registry is reducing gun crime in Canada.

Don't take my word for it... ask Angus Reid.


RELATED: Unlucky number 50 identified
Toronto police have identified the man shot to death in the stairwell of a Regent Park apartment building this weekend.

Kevon Hall, 19, of Toronto, was found unconscious and suffering from a gunshot wound to the chest in a third-floor stairwell of the building on Gerrard St. E., just west of River St., at around 1 p.m. Saturday.
He was, as they say, known to police.


LAST WORD: There always seems to be...

A very different picture, after the bullets stop flying.
The woman said she knew Hall well, and that he was a "big brother" to the smaller kids in Regent Park. He had gone there to visit his nephews on Saturday before he was chased and gunned down in the stairwell.

"He used to take kids to the park and watch them play basketball," she said of Hall, whose home address wasn't known.

She said he wasn't into drugs or the gang culture. "He didn't like to socialize. He just hung out with his family," she said.

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