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20 August 2007

Spinning straw into gold

They're not welfare moms... they're champions of social justice...
Yesterday, the Toronto Star reported on a hidden crisis of single mothers, mostly black, mostly in public housing and routinely living with fear and violence.
This could only be a "hidden crisis" to the heavily blinkered bolsheviks at the Red Star.

Okay Johnny... let's bring down our first contestant.
Gail Jordan is a revolutionary disguised as a bespectacled black woman in her 30s, pretty enough, but unprepossessing in a crowd.
C'mon, you shining hero of the leftbot media sponsored, painstakingly manufactured welfare mom revolution... sock it to me.
"The cycle of pain and despair has to be broken ... and I believe that personal responsibility is part of it."
See... that's where you're wrong lady.

"Personal responsibility is all of it."

And maybe if you actually believed part of what you're vomiting up for Suckass Central... you wouldn't be a single mother of four boys living in welfare hell.

But don't tell that to the Toronto Star.


RELATED: Thank God he went after a cop...

And not somebody's kids...
He was a sweet-natured guy and an amazingly talented animator, super-smart and very thoughtful.

"His death was horrible -- it was a terrible misfortune," Boyd's animation colleague Bruce Alcock said Sunday. "He was not a violent person."
Well, that is... until he was.

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