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30 August 2007

Running with the wolves

Another thing they didn't have in Toronto when I was a kid.
Fourteen teenaged boys have been charged with a rash of "wolf-pack" swarmings in which victims were surrounded and robbed on main streets and in parks and subway stations.

The robberies, which have been going on since mid-July, were committed by members of a new street gang called Grown Man Business, Toronto Police Det. Colin Greenaway said yesterday.

The gang's all here

Got a kid in high school in northwest Toronto?
"As consultations with teachers continued, it became apparent that safe-school transfers were a significant issue at C.W. Jefferys, which receives more safe-school transfers than it sends out to other schools," says the panel's report, released yesterday.

Jefferys last year took in 11 safe-school transfers, and sent out six; Westview took in 13, but sent out 21. Safe-school transfers are used to move students involved in serious or criminal incidents.

"Crime and victimization are serious problems for students at C.W. Jefferys, but sadly, these problems do not appear isolated within C.W. Jefferys or even within other schools in the `Jane-Finch' community."
Do the "Thug Shuffle".


LAST WORD: Speaking of northwest Toronto...

It ain't just the teenagers spreadin' the love.
A Toronto family doctor admitted yesterday to pumping more than 130,000 prescription sedatives into the black market and defrauding Ontario's health care system of more than $750,000.
And this guy was no virgin...
Kitakufe, a Canadian landed immigrant, who was convicted of similar offences in Illinois nearly 20 years ago, was charged with conspiracy to defraud the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, defrauding the ministry and conspiracy to traffic in the narcotic-based painkiller OxyContin.

Yesterday he admitted using his Finch Ave. W. practice in Downsview to provide inventory for operators of a black market in prescription narcotics.
The fun never stops in the Jane-Finch corridor.

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