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24 August 2007

Reaping what you sow

I don't understand it... China's been doing so well with everything else lately...
The gender imbalance in China has reached alarming levels far exceeding UN recommendations, says China's Family Planning Association (CFPA).

There were 163.5 boys for every 100 girls aged up to four in the eastern city of Lianyungang, it said.

Abortions of female foetuses were the main cause of the imbalance, CFPA said.

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Even if you don't have a problem with abortion... there's still a huge problem here.
The babies first born 25 years ago under China's government enforced one-child policy are now of marrying age.

Some say that as many as 40 million young Chinese men might be unable to find a wife and will spend their lives as bachelors.

FROM THE COMMENTS: I missed the geopolitical aspect
"The Mongolians, Russians and Vietnamese should harden their borders. Within the next 10-20 years, China will conduct a war of conquest to use up its excess males usefully before they destroy the state."

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