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09 August 2007

Not ready for prime time

Everything you need to know about the situation in the Palestinian Territories...
The Palestinian Authority has accidentally paid the salaries of 3,000 members of Hamas's main security force.

A Hamas official in Gaza told the Reuters news agency that members of the Executive Force were contacted on Wednesday and told their salaries had been paid.

"To their surprise, they got phone calls telling them to collect their salaries. They rushed to the bank," the official said.
One minute they're tossing their enemies off tall buildings... the next minute they're handing them payola.


RELATED: It's a massive, inbred problem
The World Bank has been stressing that structural reform of the Palestinian economy is an essential factor in order to pull away extensive layers of poverty.

The bank's recent report showed how vast elements of international aid had never reached its target population, presumably through poor management and fraud.

Even the Al-Jazeera news agency refers to the large reserves accumulated by the Arafat family or hidden in the coffers of the Palestinian Authority itself.

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