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14 August 2007

Make up your mind

Do you wanna be a mullah... or a cop?
Tahmourpour, 35, began his second hearing in front of the commission yesterday by painting a bleak picture of an RCMP unwilling to accept diversity within its academy.
Oh puh-leeese... not another "incredibly qualified, but rejected by racist anglo-saxon society" fairy tale. Everybody knows Canadian police forces are bending over backward to recruit and hire visible minorities.
He described his first fitness class, where cadets were ordered to remove all jewellery. Tahmourpour asked a sergeant if he could keep wearing his religious pendant. The sergeant agreed but then mocked him in class for wanting to wear it.

"It ostracized me. It singled me out," he said. "It was the first destructive moment in my training."
No, you dickhead... you ostracized yourself.

And, affirmative action notwithstanding, there's a weeding out process... you don't get to qualify just because you show up.

I hope.

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