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12 August 2007

A little unclear on the concept

It's like having a bit of war-torn Lebanon... right here in Canada.Good idea... that oughta calm things down.


UPDATE: It's Stephen Harper's fault anyway
"The reason for the problems, the responsibility is the Canadian government," he said. "The Canadian government made the Lebanese feel the government is against them. Canada needs to fix the mistake it made and take Hezbollah off the terrorist list."

"They labelled Hezbollah as a terrorist without having respect for the Muslim people."

LAST WORD: I can feel the love already
The Lebanese Canadian Coordinating Council views publicly advocating or promoting Hezbollah's party leader as an abuse of freedom of expression; rather, it is a blatant assault directed towards all those Canadians who believe in human rights, peace, democracy and tolerance .

Therefore, we call on the Canadian judiciary, security authorities, and Parliament to look thoroughly into this unacceptable conduct and take immediate action to put an end to such an underhanded attempt, as simple as it might look, that might threaten Canada's stability and peace.

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