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28 August 2007

Layton in grief-stricken seclusion...

After Islamotards get their jihad-lovin' asses handed to them... yet again.
-- KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S. led and Afghan troops battled suspected Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday in ground clashes and air strikes that left more than 100 militants dead, the coalition said.
The little back-stabbing bastards just don't seem to be able to get the hang of head-to-head combat. They'd best stick with sneak attacks and using women and children for cover.
The battle in Kandahar province's Shawali Kot district started after the joint force was ambushed by a large group of insurgents who tried to overrun their position several times, before being strafed by air strikes, the statement from the coalition said.

"Coalition aircraft destroyed the reinforced enemy emplacements and sniper positions as well as two trucks used to reinforce and re-supply the insurgent force,'' the statement said.
Not a single NATO casualty here.

Say Jack... does that mean we don't get another press conference?


RELATED: Just take a couple of minutes...
Who was at the helm for a decade prior to the Afghan mission being launched?

Who signed onto the mission?

Who tasked our Canuck warriors to Kandahar?

Who refused to purchase heavy lift rotary wing transport?

Who starved the military for funds and equipment?

Who is now using our casualties for cheap political gain by demanding we pull out ASAP?

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