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23 August 2007

If you thought Jack Layton...

Was the only slimeball low enough to play politics with the tragic deaths of our brave soldiers... you'd be wrong.
Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe says he's ready to bring down Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government this fall if there's no firm commitment to withdraw Canadian troops from Afghanistan by February 2009.

Mr. Duceppe is also asking for an emergency debate on Canada's military role in Afghanistan when Parliament resumes on Sept. 17.
It seems "Ghoul Duceppe" is ready and willing, to piss on as many graves as is necessary, to advance his political career.

And it makes me sick.


UPDATE: Two dead soldiers identified
Master Warrant Officer Mario Mercier, a member of 2nd Bataillon, Royal 22nd Regiment and Master Cpl. Christian Duchesne, of the 5th Field Ambulance, were both killed in Wednesday's incident -- which occurred at 6:19 a.m. local time.
They will be remembered.


LAST WORD: Jack and Gilles admire their will...

Here's the guys that Taliban Jack and Ghoul Duceppe want to negotiate with...
-- KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN -- The operation that saw two Canadian soldiers and their interpreter killed in a mine strike Wednesday had its roots in a brazen attack last week on an Afghan district leader in front of his house.

It was the savage attack on Haji Kheerbin, the 48-year-old district chief of the volatile Zhari area about 30 kilometres west of Kandahar, that led to the mission.

Mr. Kheerbin was preparing for prayers with his three young children at his side here last Friday when a suicide bomber approached and blew himself up.

The youngsters, two sons aged 6 and 12 and a three-year-old daughter, died with their father in the blast.
It's like the love affair all the old lefties had with Stalin.

See No Evil.

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