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08 August 2007

If you don't like it...

In violent, irretrievably racist Toronto, you could always head back to pastoral, peaceful Somalia...
Ali's family, who emigrated from Somalia in 1988, believe racism has led to the police not putting the same resources into the investigation of Ali's murder.

"Is it because Ali was a young, black man?
Well, lemme think... is there anything else that could factor into the equation here?
While police say co-operation from the community is improving, this is not so in the case of Kimel Foster, 21, who was shot to death outside a Vaughan and Oakwood Avenue bar on July 21.

Detective Terry Browne said there were many people around, but most have not been helpful.

“If the community wanted to put its collective heads together, this one could have and should have been solved,” Det. Browne said. Mr. Foster was not a known gangster, but police have dealt with him before.
No sense getting pissed at the members of "the community" and their asshat "code of silence", huh?

Let's just blame those racist cops.


RELATED: Police service replies to charges by family
Toronto Police Service spokesperson Mark Pugash said no comparison can be made between the Ali and Creba case.

Creba was killed on the busiest street in Toronto on Boxing Day, the street's busiest day of the year. "I can't think of a homicide which occurred in an area where there were more potential witnesses, more security cameras," he said.
Oh yeah... that'd be witnesses who were actually willing to talk to police.


LAST WORD: "If only we'd have stayed in Mogadishu"
Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, has been rocked by the sound of fierce fighting during a two-hour gun battle between insurgents and government forces.

Somalia has not had a functioning national government for 16 years.
Go back to Somalia... I dare you.

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