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13 August 2007

I love Lebanon and I love Hezbollah

Hussein Dabaja is no wallflower, he lets you know just where he stands...
"I love Canada, I love Lebanon and I love Hezbollah," Hussein said sitting in his Windsor living room, a Hezbollah flag hanging on the wall. "What I say, most Lebanese feel, but they're scared. I'm not scared because I didn't do anything wrong."

"I have nothing to hide."
Well, that's a pretty bold statement... most of us have at least one thing in our lives we aren't especially proud of.

I've gotta wonder, though... how many Hussein Dabajas' do you suppose there are... living in Windsor, Ontario?

The reason I ask is, one of them likes to write hot cheques...
This Hearing arises out of a Notice of Proposal issued by the Registrar on April 6, 2006 seeking to revoke the registrations of the Hameed Al-Tai o/a GMB Auto Sale Shoppe as a Dealer and the individual Applicant, Hussein Dabaja as a salesperson under Section 6 of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act.

The reason for the Registrar‘s Proposal is that the past conduct of the Registrants is inconsistent with the intention and objective of the Act, namely that the business they are engaged in be carried on in accordance with the law and with integrity and honesty.
Now... it'd just defy reason for anyone who indulges in this type of criminal behaviour, to want to plaster his face all over the newspapers, pledging his undying support for a terrorist group... wouldn't it?

It must be some other Hussein Dabaja.

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