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31 August 2007

Honey, have you seen that box...

With the plastic explosives?

Do you remember all the indiscriminate shooting and bombing that used to go on in Toronto when you were a kid?

-- Yeah... me neither. --
TORONTO — Toronto police temporarily shut down two major highways Friday as they gingerly removed several explosive devices from an east-end neighbourhood and ferried them across town in a slow-moving convoy.

The devices in question were plucked from a vehicle following the arrest Thursday night of a man police allege is connected to several attempted letter bombings earlier this month.
Probably those sociopathic monarchists again, or a gang of out of control, fanatical Baptists.

Wait a minute... they've arrested someone.
Adel Arnaout, 37, was expected to face several charges, including three counts of attempted murder, when he appeared in court Friday.

Police believe the three letter-bomb incidents were linked and that the motive for the attacks was personal.
You're pissed off at somebody... I guess it's too much to ask that you settle it like a sane person... without involving explosives or small arms?

Is there some sort of, ah... religious or cultural factor in play here?
Warr said the suspect is a landed immigrant from Lebanon with a Canadian passport, but police do not believe the crimes were motivated by religion or politics.

"There is absolutely no pattern as far as any religion, ideology or nationality," Warr said.

The police would not say if any other individuals or groups are being investigated.
Yet another reason to get out of the big city.


UPDATE: The Broom has unsettling particulars
The rooming house that Adel Mohamed Arnaout lived in had been nicknamed the Bombay Bunker by neighbours because of its double steel doors and has been described to house as many as thirty people at a time.

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