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03 August 2007

He's come a long way, baby

Iggy now longs for the good old days... when Saddam was driving the bus...

Remember when...
One of Ignatieff's pro-war articles for the Times appeared on March 23, 2003, and was titled, "I Am Iraq."

Among other claims, he stated: "Who seriously believes 25 million Iraqis would not be better off if Saddam were overthrown?"
Apparently not Michael Ignatieff... anymore.

One last thought... can you imagine the mindless leftbot shitstorm if scary Stephen Harper even once bypassed the Canadian media to send a major policy message in the New York times?

The Globe tags along...
Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate
August 5, 2007 at 12:01 AM EDT

RELATED: Another courageous poll-driven stance
The senator, who voted in 2002 to authorize the invasion of Iraq, has over the past year gradually repositioned herself on the war, the issue that her advisers have long viewed as the biggest obstacle to her winning the presidential nomination.

LAST WORD: Another proud Ignatieff moment.

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