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01 August 2007

Here's something you might wanna...

Think about... the next time the Suzuki-nauts try to wind you up about polar bear demographics in the year 2050...
The chemical industry has long insisted that bisphenol A levels in people are so low as to not be a concern.

But a new assessment has found the estrogen-like chemical used to make plastic is present in humans at levels similar to those shown to be harmful in animal experiments.
You might also wanna consider ditching the plastic baby bottles and cutting out sodas for the kids as well... I mean, right freakin' now.
Although bisphenol A has been known for decades to act like a hormone, companies have been using it to make everything from polycarbonate plastic baby bottles and office water jugs to dental sealants and the resin linings on the insides of most tin cans.
On second thought... if all the idiots who mindlessly follow the Goracle and Dr. Fruit Fly... end up poisoning their progeny because they're into pop-science instead of reality... it ain't no skin off my genetic material.

Carry on as before sheeple.

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