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30 August 2007

The gift that keeps on giving

Any one of the recent dumbass Liberal Leadership candidates...

For example, Michael Ignatieff...
"Excrement-hiding bird championed as Liberal symbol"
The element of this that's too funny for words... is that the Fiberals have been branding Iggy as "the smart one".


UPDATE: Steffi takes a turn at bat

Now we've got Huffin' AND Puffin...
-- ST. JOHN'S -- The Liberals will force an early vote on the Canadian mission in Afghanistan this fall in a bid to set Prime Minister Stephen Harper on the defensive over the issue.

Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion said his party will use its first opposition day in the fall session to put forward a motion for Canada to notify its allies that it will withdraw from Kandahar in February, 2009.

LAST WORD: The puffins weigh in
"When I come back to the burrow with a dozen sand eels in my beak I don't expect to have five of them taken away for the 'community.' Not that it doesn't happen."

"If you've ever had to dodge a herring gull to get through the door of your house you know what I'm talking about -- hey, maybe that should be the Liberal mascot."

"A bird that lives off someone else's catch."

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