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18 August 2007

Don't worry Scarborough Southwest...

Comrade Dion knows what's best for you.
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion has invoked his contentious power of appointment, naming veteran party activist Michelle Simson as the next Liberal candidate in Scarborough Southwest.

Mr. Dion defended his use of the rarely used appointment power on the grounds that it will help him meet his commitment of running at least one-third female candidates in the next election.
There are doubts, even within the Liberal Party, about Dion stepping all over democratic process.
One long-time Toronto Liberal who did not want to be identified said the decision not to have an open nomination race will hurt the party's support in the multicultural riding.

“The people of Scarborough Southwest might take revenge on the Liberal Party and not vote for her,” the Liberal said. “Here you have one of the highest ethnically diverse ridings in the country, [and] a Caucasian woman being appointed.”
The people have King has spoken.


RELATED: It's not about democracy...

It's about the Fiberals "nanny state" mentality.
I don't profess to know Michelle Simson, but in a quick scan of her bio, she looks like a very strong candidate, with DEEP roots in the party.

In this instance, it begs the question - does Simson really need Dion intervening, is she not capable of winning the nomination outright?
Obviously Stéphane Dion doesn't think so.

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