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06 August 2007

Allah must be really pissed...

With the people of Tal Afar.
-- BAGHDAD, Aug 6 -- A suicide bomber killed at least 28 people, including at least 19 children, by blowing up his truck this morning in a Shiite area of Tal Afar, a city in northwestern Iraq.

The blast brought down houses in the densely populated residential neighborhood just as many families were preparing to go to work, and as boys and girls were playing hopscotch and marbles in the street.

Many of the casualties were women and children, Iraqi officials said.
Hey, infidel lovers... that's just the way the family unit crumbles. There's no place for sentimentality in this kind of holy war.

A jihadi's gotta do, what a jihadi's gotta do.

Sometimes more than once...
One of the deadliest suicide bombings in the conflict so far struck Tal Afar in March of this year, when a truck blew up in a Shiite neighborhood, killing 152 people and wounded 347.
It ain't no big deal. Right, Jack?

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