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18 July 2007

You actually have to kill someone...

Before you're considered a "dangerous person" in Canada.
-- VANCOUVER -- Murder suspect Paul Cheema was given a second chance to stay in Canada despite a violent criminal history and a deportation order because of "substantial family and community support here in Canada," according to an Immigration and Refugee Board ruling in October 1997.
Apparently, being convicted of forcible confinement, uttering threats and attempted kidnapping... TWICE... isn't sufficient cause for deportation.

Not especially surprising when you also have a Canadian judge releasing a drug smuggler caught dead-bang at the border... with 50 kilograms of cocaine.
"This is huge. I can't believe it. If this stands, we might just as well go out of business," Ron Moran, national president of the 10,000-member Custom Excise Union and a customs official for 27 years, said yesterday.

"Until this judgment, it would never even have crossed our minds to obtain a search warrant. It's just not part of what we're taught."
I know where my vote goes next time around.

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