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01 July 2007

Worth protecting

There are a couple of ways to respond when someone threatens you with violence, or in this case, actually attacks you.

This is one...
In an interview on British Broadcasting Corp. TV Sunday, Brown said Britons must realize that the terrorist threat Britain faces is "long-term and sustained'' and they must remain "constantly vigilant" about security.

"We will not yield, we will not be intimidated, and we will not allow anyone to undermine our British way of life."
There is simply no sense in trying to compromise with terrorists... it's the the clearest illustration of the "pay me now, or pay me later principle."
Lord Stevens, London's former police chief and Brown's new terrorism adviser, said: "This weekend's bomb attacks signal a major escalation in the war being waged on us by Islamic terrorists."

"This week's terrorists used the same technology, the same bomb-making techniques, the same operating methods as their brothers-in-arms in both Baghdad and Bali, Indonesia," he said.
Or you can play it like an Ontarian.
"All we can say right now is that we'll execute the warrant when it's appropriate," Const. Angie Atkinson said.

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