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07 July 2007

With all due respect...

To the diverse and various communities blanketing the Scarborough area.. this is the part where you're supposed to mention something to the local gendarmes.
Residents of the Scarborough neighbourhood where two men were gunned down this week are upset after learning a home on their normally quiet street was a haven for crack addicts and people armed with guns.
Upset maybe... but they certainly can't claim to be surprised.
"I knew it was only a matter of time until something bad happened there," said one man, a father who lives in the neighbourhood near Port Union and Kingston Rds.

He and others on the street claim there were "shady characters" coming and going at all hours of the day and night from the house.
It's past time to stop excusing the hyphenated-Canadian communities from exercising their civic responsibility... which, in this case, also includes giving up teenage murderer ********** ***** *****.

(note: the 16 year old suspect has surrendered, his identity is now magically protected by the young offenders act)

I don't care how much you despised the cops in the corrupt, lawless, third-world backwater hellhole you fled to come to Canada. There's a new set of rules here in your presumably adopted homeland.

And if you're not gonna play by those rules... you deserve whatever you get.


RELATED: Reclaiming Our Space BBQ...

Gets a new poster child.
Police yesterday launched a dragnet for the suspected killer of a 27-year-old Scarborough man knifed during an all-night birthday party.

Ajiganth "Aji" Mahalingam was pronounced dead on the 17th-floor hallway at 4301 Kingston Rd., shortly after the 6:18 a.m. emergency call.

Homicide squad Det.-Sgt. Terry Wark said it appears the party began Friday night in a nearby park, but police had been called to quell the loud noise and ordered revellers to leave at around 11 p.m.

While forensic experts tried to find evidence of who committed the murder, tenants and city recreation staff set up tables for an outdoor garage sale and a playground for children in an annual "Reclaiming Our Space" barbecue.

No safety in numbers
Vimalathas Mohanarajah, 28, of no fixed address, is wanted for second-degree murder in Saturday morning's slaying of Ajiganth "Aji" Mahalingam, 27, a father of a young daughter and whose partner is pregnant with their second child.

Both men, who were friends, are long-time members of the Gilder Boys gang, a Scarborough-based street gang that has a historical link to the vicious Tamil gang, the VVT, Toronto Police said.

Mohanarajah is well known to police, including his roles in a kidnapping attempt in 2000 and a 2002 attempt murder in Markham.

Building a culture of silence

Is this Toronto's future?
Indeed, at least 20 people were within sight of the gunfight among well-known members of the Sex Money Murder subset of the Bloods gang 15 months ago, but the case remains unsolved because not a single one will testify or even describe what they saw to investigators.

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