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08 July 2007

What your OHIP premiums...

Really pay for.
-- TORONTO -- Critics say the Liberals are turning a blind eye to health-care fraud by not quickly phasing out millions of old health cards following a recommendation from the province's auditor general months ago.

The old cards don't have photo identification or expiry dates, making them a target for fraud estimated at up to $22 million annually.

Auditor General Jim McCarter called for the government to "expedite'' the phase-out of the old cards in his December report because of suspected fraud.

Premier Dalton McGuinty said the government isn't being complacent about replacing the old cards. Although he still carries an old red-and-white card in his wallet, McGuinty said it's unacceptable that phasing them out has taken this long.
Despite the fact that there are 300,000 more OHIP cards in circulation... than there are people in Ontario... Dalton McGuinty isn't moving to shut off the taxpayer tap.

Can someone explain that one to me?


RELATED: She gets by with a little help...

From her friends.
Former Liberal MP Jane Stewart has been appointed to a $700-a-day post on a panel to examine the horse racing and breeding industry in Ontario.

Stewart served as chief negotiator in the Caledonia land dispute. Her year-long stint paid $225,370 based on a $1,300 daily rate.

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