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14 July 2007

Technical difficulties

When it rains, it pours.

On top of being blackballed from the Blogging Tories aggregator... (details to follow shortly), I lost the modem in my primary box the other day... to a nearby lightning strike.

Currently using the jurassic laptop for net access... hope to slap a new modem card in later today, or tomorrow.

Service, as they say, will resume shortly.


UPDATE: Back in business

Managed to scare up a modem from my computer boneyard in the basement.

No sense spending big bucks on a new modem when the dialup around here maxes out at 28.8 kps. Gotta check on what's happening with hi-speed around here.


UPDATE: Back in the fold

Still having some intermittent comms issues, which prevented me from addressing the BT matter in any detail. My modem may not have been the only bit of hardware smoked by the lightning strike.

Perhaps it's just as well... I received an email from Stephen Taylor at Blogging Tories early this morning, letting me know that I have been reinstated.

Being the "free speech" kind of guy that I am, I had planned on sharing our exchange over the post in question... but in deference to Stephen's reconsideration of the matter, I remain inside the tent... pissing resolutely politically incorrectly outwards.