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26 July 2007

Gone, but not forgotten

While 11 year-old Ephraim Brown has been getting the lion's share of the ink & symapthy... Sean "Juice" James was also murdered last weekend... and his friends have come together to immortalise him...

My personal favourite here is...
"juice and denver brothers from another mother fo real"
You get a sense of Sean's popularity from an article in the Toronto Red Star...
Shortly before 2 a.m. Sunday, police responded to a shooting at a Bleecker St. apartment called The Hamilton. They found a man who later died in hospital from gunshot wounds.

Police said a Beck cab had glided up beside the man outside the building and at least one of the cab's passengers fired shots.

Neighbours said the man sold drugs but was the "nicest person."
UPDATE: Red Star slams on the brakes...

Throws their drug dealer story into reverse.
Friends and family have set up a vigil to James, who worked in public relations.  He was a polite, well-mannered man who "had a beautiful soul," said his long-time girlfriend. "He touched so many people in so many different ways."

"He didn't have one enemy to my knowledge."
Well... maybe just one, huh?  Perhaps someone from a competing public relations firm?

LAST WORD: Bright lights, big city...
A 16-year-old boy has been shot dead after being chased by youths on bicycles, police have said.  Officers were called to reports of shots being heard on the Stockwell Gardens Estate in Stockwell, south London, just after midnight.

The Met's Operation Trident team, which investigates gun crime in London's black community, is investigating.