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17 July 2007

David Miller faw' down, go boom...

But don't you worry, Daddy Dalton will kiss it better.
-- TORONTO -- In a stinging defeat for Toronto Mayor David Miller, council balked at approving two new taxes, for now, in hopes the delay will put the city's fiscal future front and centre in the provincial election this fall.
Which is a fancy way of saying the rest of us Ontarians will likely be on the hook for Miller's ongoing pinko revolution... courtesy of the provincial fiberal government.
A source inside the Liberal provincial government suggested the deferral will give Premier Dalton McGuinty the opportunity promise something more to help the city's finances as the party rolls out its election platform in the summer.
Yeah, I'm shocked.


RELATED: Don't take any responsibility...

Just put a gun to their heads.
Lastman told the Sun yesterday he'd advise councillors to defer the issue and direct Mayor David Miller to seek help from the provincial and federal governments.

Lastman -- the former North York mayor who went on to run an amalgamated Toronto from 1997 to 2003 -- said if councillors followed his lead, it would've provided them the chance to "put a gun to their heads," noting a provincial election is Oct. 10.

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