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12 July 2007

Cheque please

Well... maybe a barf bag too.
-- BEIJING (AP) -- In the Chinese television report, a hidden camera follows a man, whose face is not shown, into a ramshackle building where steamers are filled with the fluffy white buns.

The surroundings are filthy, with water puddles and piles of old furniture and cardboard on the ground.

"What's in the recipe?" the reporter asks. "Six to four," the man says.

"You mean 60 per cent cardboard? What is the other 40 per cent?" asks the reporter. "Fatty meat," the man replies.
So there.

Don't be telling me they don't recycle in China.


UPDATE: Hoax... or coverup?
Some analysts suggested the Chinese government, in an attempt to improve the country's reputation after a spate of product safety problems, may have ordered the television station to tell the public the story was fabricated.

"In general, Beijing's first line of defence has been denial in the face of such claims that paint a negative picture of the government,'' she said. "We don't know the truth in this case, but anything is possible.''
(via Natnews)


RELATED: Did you hear the one about...
-- BEIJING -- For more than a decade, Nick Young has been defending China's Communist rulers, telling the world that China is not as repressive as portrayed by the Western media and human-rights groups.

"I have spent the past decade telling foreigners that China is not as repressive and totalitarian as Western media often portray it to be," Mr. Young said in his statement.
Ok, wait for it...
Now the Communist system has turned against him. Chinese police investigators and local officials have descended on his office, interrogated him and ordered him to shut down his electronic newsletter, a well-respected monthly publication on development and civil society in China.

The police have threatened to deport him and ban him from the country for five years. The authorities accuse him of conducting "unauthorized surveys" in violation of a law on gathering statistics.

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