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28 July 2007

Carnival of Pissed Off Pinkos...

Supports Shawn Brant's unrepentant thuggery and theft...
Buzz Hargrove, Maude Barlow and an array of academics have signed their names to a declaration in support of Mohawk land claims and the occupation of a Deseronto quarry.

Signatories include Ismail Zayid, president of the Canada Palestine Association; Paul Moist, national president of the Canadian Union of Public Employees; Amanda Aziz, national chairwoman of the Canadian Federation of Students and left-wing activist Judy Rebick.
The fact that a legitimate business owner has had his business stolen out from under him, hasn't caused too much mourning in "progressive" circles...
The CAW often puts its name behind these causes, said Raj Dhaliwal, the union's director of human rights.

The plight of the quarry owner, Terry Kimmett, is "unfortunate," Dhaliwal said. "I could sympathize with the person."

"Maybe there has to be compensation."
Thank goodness the union has a "director of human rights."

Too bad the sympathy here is so selective.

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