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28 June 2007

Who's sicko now?

What does the President of the Canadian Medical Association have to say...
"This is a country," Dr. Day said by way of explanation, "in which dogs can get a hip replacement in under a week and in which humans can wait two to three years."
I don't know where Michael Moore gets his "once upon a time" information from... I'd love to tell him about the 7 hour wait I had in the local ER with a sick fevered child.
It's not simply that Mr. Moore is wrong.

His grand tour of public health care systems misses the big story: While he prescribes socialism, market-oriented reforms are percolating in cities from Stockholm to Saskatoon.
(via Kathy)


And then, once you get in
In Canada, it is estimated that there are up to 12,000 deaths annually due to drug-related adverse events.

These include administering the wrong drug, the wrong dosage, drug interactions and reactions.

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