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16 June 2007

While Hamas beats Gaza...

With the big freakin' stick... it looks like the West Bank is gonna get some major carrot...
Among Middle East experts, the possibility of trying to establish a diplomatic separation between Gaza and the West Bank and lavishing benefits on the West Bank — an idea that seemed remote a week ago — is now being discussed.

“This is as close they can come to taking a sow’s ear and trying to turn it into a silk purse,” said Martin S. Indyk, former American ambassador to Israel and director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.
Imagine Gaza and the West Bank as the political equivalent of Aboriginal reservations in North America. While they like to think of themselves as autonomous players, in reality they are helpless little babies that must be constantly fed and washed to survive.

Don't look now... but it looks like Gaza is about to be suddenly and brutally weaned.


IRONY ALERT: A shoulder to the Karmic Wheel...
"Fatah planning Iraq-style insurgency against Hamas"

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