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20 June 2007

Spineless Marxist Miller...

And his coterie of politically correct ass-kissers... back down on not supporting the troops...
Toronto councillors voted unanimously on Wednesday to extend the use of 'Support Our Troops' decals on fire and emergency medical service vehicles.
In the end, this guy's about as principled as a feral cat.
Although Mr. Miller had indicated he wouldn't support the motion, he said today the death of three more soldiers in Afghanistan brought the issue home for him.
Well, that... and the likelihood of being tarred & feathered in front of Nathan Phillips Square.

I'm guessin' it's gonna take more than a couple of gin fizzes to get that taste out of his lyin', hypocritical mouth.


UPDATE: This shouldn't end here

Email David Miller and let him know how you feel.


LAST WORD: They will be remembered
Canadian military officials released the names the fallen soldiers. Corporal Stephen Frederick Bouzane, 26, Private Joel Vincent Wiebe, 22, and Sergeant Christos Karigiannis, all with the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry perished in the bombing.

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