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11 June 2007

So to put things in context...

UPDATE: Canadian soldier killed
Trooper Darryl Caswell of the RCD Reconnaissance Squadron, 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment (2RCR) Battle Group, died in a roadside bombing Monday, Colonel Mike Cessford said.

He was the 57th Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan. Master Corporal Darrell Priede, a military photographer based at CFB Gagetown, N.B., died on May 30 when the helicopter he was flying in went down in Helmand province.

He will be remembered.

It's small consolation to the family and friends of Trooper Darryl Caswell, but let's remember, the Lebanese Army has lost this many men just trying to control this one Palestinian refugee camp over the last four weeks... and Canada has been in Afghanistan since 2001.
The military official said 57 soldiers have been killed in the Nahr el-Bared fighting, while another two soldiers were killed in last week's clashes with Jund al-Sham militants in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein el-Hilweh in southern Lebanon.
We must be doing something right.


RELATED: Kill 'em all...

Let Allah sort them out.
-- NAHR AL-BARED, Lebanon -- Two relief workers were killed and a Palestinian mediator was wounded in fierce fighting on Monday between Lebanese troops and al Qaeda-inspired militants at a Palestinian refugee camp.
Rah, rah... Religion of Peace!!!

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