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28 June 2007

National Day of Action, my ass...

It's the other 364 days of "business as usual" we really ought to be worried about.
-- NAPANEE -- Provincial police seized a $40,000 load of what they have termed illegal cigarettes just a few kilometres outside the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory earlier this week.

If convicted, the minimum fine the man will face for possessing 23 cases of unstamped tobacco is $37,950, police report.

*** BREAKING: VIA folds ***
-- TORONTO -- Via Rail is suspending service on Friday on the highly travelled Montreal-Toronto and Ottawa-Toronto corridors in anticipation of an aboriginal day of action.

“While we recognize the impact this may have on individual travel plans, the decision was taken after careful consideration of the uncertainty of the situation and the potential risks involved in attempting to operate under such unpredictable conditions.”
If the McGuinty Liberals and the OPP are gonna run for cover as per usual, there's no percentage in VIA trying to go it alone.

Abandoned by the government... yet again.

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