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18 June 2007

Mostly, you pull the trigger...

You don't get to call the shot back.

But once again... in steps Mr. Science.
-- BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. -- Kelly Brannigan was suffering from a case of tattoo remorse.

For help, she turned to Dr. Tattoff, a chain of tattoo removal stores where nurses use lasers in a series of treatments to break down tattoo pigments.

Most of Dr. Tattoff’s clients are women ages 25 to 35, said James Morel, the chief executive of the company, which has given more than 13,000 tattoo laser treatments since opening here in 2004.
That little bird in flight, inked in the small of your back at nineteen, looks a little less attractive with each passing migration.

We have the technology.


FROM THE COMMENTS: It's kinda sad... he tries so hard

Uber-troll Jeff "Ladybug" Davidson gives it everything he's got...
"i'm sure it's been many years since a 19 yr old woman cared much about your opinion."
Zounds, you varlet... your arrow strikes thunderously home.

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