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10 June 2007

More nanny-state nonsense

We're from the government... we're here to help you.

-- MONTPELIER, Vt. -- Everyone agrees that the bronze cannon, cast in 1863 and used by a Vermont artillery unit in the Civil War, is a valuable piece of the state’s military history. But the accord stops there.

A group of Civil War re-enactors that has used the cannon for 30 years is fighting to keep the state, which owns the cannon, from taking it back.

The re-enactors say they have been good stewards of the cannon, repairing it and firing it around the state and country, and should be able to keep it.

The state says the cannon is most likely unsafe for firing and wants to put it on display in the Vermont Veterans Militia Museum and Library.
Of course, this couldn't have anything to do with taking a living, breathing part of history and shoving it into a small, dark room... because it's a big bad gun... could it?
“It shouldn’t be fired any more for safety and liability issues,” said Mr. Crisman, who has been working with the state to get the cannon back. “We’ve got a great history with this cannon, and we really think it’s time this thing is returned and given a decent home.”
Of course not.

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