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17 June 2007

Healing the world...

One set of hooters at a time.

It isn't curing cancer... or saving the world's starving children... but providing unemployed single moms with bargain basement breasts... has to be on the list somewhere...
For the first time in her life Lucy Wingate feels she has a shape she is happy with. "My body is more womanly and I have my curves in all the right places," she said.

Last week the 26-year-old single mother of two had a breast enhancement, thanks to a new service - - which makes the UK's top plastic surgeons available at prices women like unemployed Lucy can afford.
"Bad news kids... it's beans again and an early bedtime... mommy's special friend is coming over tonight."

Cue music... "Imagine all the people..."


BONUS: Creepy breast surgery animation

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